Sichuan International Studies University CFA Elite Project Admissions Guide
时间:2022-09-12     来源:管理员     访问量:


Sichuan International Studies University CFA Elite Project Admissions Guide

In order to continuously strengthen the basic training of students, gradually meet the needs of modern and international talent training, and enable students to grow into International leading comprehensive talents with comprehensive practical ability who can work in major multinational companies, financial institutions, law firms and other fields. The CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Elite Program is specially organized by the College of Finance and Economics.

1.Introduction to Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) chartered qualification occupies an important position in the global financial investment community and is recognized as the "gold standard" by the financial investment community. This standard is not only used to measure the business ability of financial analysts, but also represents the integrity level At present, it has become the world's first financial certification system, recognized by more than 170 countries around the world, and is known as "the world's first financial test" and "the entry ticket to Wall Street".




In 2016, the State Council canceled 220 professional qualification licensing items, and suggested domestic university students to vigorously participate in the top ten high-quality qualification certificate exams. Among them, CFA is the only financial certificate on the list, and it is also the only international certificate on the list. Many first- and second-tier cities in China have even set up high bonus subsidies and talent introduction benefits for CFA holders.


With the wide recognition of employers in the global financial industry, CFA certificate holders enjoy a clear competitive advantage in the international workplace. The top ten CFA employers in the world are: Merrill Lynch Securities, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Goldman Sachs Group, Royal Bank of Canada, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Barclays Bank and BNP Paribas.



According to the statistics of the CFA Institute: the salary of those who have obtained the CFA title is generally 20% higher than that of their peers.





In the face of a huge demand market, domestic CFA talent is in short supply. The 2017 China Salary and Employment Report released by Michael Page, a global recruitment consultant, and the 2018 China Fintech Survey Report released by PwC, one of the world's top four firms, concluded that there is currently a total shortage of more than 1.5 million fintech talents in China. In December 2021, the China Banking Association, National Institution for Finance and Development Academic Guidance jointly released "China Fintech Talent Cultivation and Development Workshop", "HOPE Index of Fintech Talent Development in Major Cities in China" (hereinafter referred to as "HOPE Index") and "China Fintech Talent Cultivation and Development Questionnaire Survey (2021)" concluded that there is a very large shortage of Fintech talent, with Fintech scene talent accounting for only 5% The direct shortage of CFA holders exceeds 200,000 people. Over the past decade, the number of CFA exam registrations in China has continued to grow at a high rate due to the rapid development of the domestic financial industry.


2.Introduction of CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Elite Project

Sichuan International Studies University CFA Elite Project makes full use of the language advantages of Sichuan International Studies University, and combines the CFA professional knowledge system to train college students. For college students who are interested in the financial industry and have financial dreams, it provides an instant incentive platform to learn advanced financial knowledge, improve personal strategic quality, and expand elite contacts. We are committed to cultivating a group of future financial elites with global vision and strategic insight, and turning college students into applied and complex international senior financial talents with global perspective and innovative spirit, who directly hold offers from financial high-end enterprises.


Features of CFA Elite Project

l   In terms of teaching: The teaching is centered on the content of the CFA exam, the original textbooks designated by the CFA exam are used, and the courses are taught in bilingual languages. Equipped with a team of full-time teaching teachers with strong sense of responsibility and rich experience, they are especially responsible for the learning goals and career planning guidance of the students in this project. It brings together the elites of the domestic financial and economic circles to form a team of high-level professional lecturers. The team of lecturers attaches great importance to the teaching effect and passing level. All members have both the depth of financial theory and the breadth of financial practice, with an average of more than 5 years of teaching experience.


l   In terms of courses: Introduce the top CFA program teaching experience in China's financial education field, and introduce rich and valuable experience including CFA professional consultation, curriculum setting, teaching arrangement, etc. From the five links of knowledge point explanation + exercise application + stage test + explanation of experiences in series + comprehensive simulation test, the targeted teaching content is set in different learning stages, the learning effect is controlled throughout the process, the mastery level is improved, and the learning harvest is ensured.




l   In terms of employment: In order to help our students, make full use of CFA qualifications and help their future career development, the elite project has established a career development center for financial majors by taking advantage of the influence of the CFA project center in the financial field across the country, and through career planning, job-seeking guidance and other series of services to improve the professional level and employment rate of students.



Advantages of CFA Elite Project

l   It is a successful combination of domestic undergraduate education and international qualification certification.

l   Help students master the most cutting-edge financial theoretical knowledge in the world and reach the international standard financial professional level.

l   To help students master proficient financial English skills.

l   Enjoy the opportunity of financial training practice, famous enterprise visit, internship and employment recommendation.

l   To help students lay a solid foundation for postgraduate entrance examination, study abroad, and employment. The CFA Elite Project adopts the PBL project-based learning method widely used in world-renowned business schools (Harvard, Stanford, etc.), integrates a large number of business cases and case practice exercises in the teaching of theoretical knowledge, and completes projects in the real financial world., collect large amounts of information, integrate/analyze, and then derive project results.




3.Admissions arrangements for CFA Project

Enrollment target: All full-time students of Sichuan International Studies University (not limited to colleges and majors), mainly for the 2022 class

Enrollment scale: Plan to enroll 30 students

Admission conditions:

(1) Students are willing to participate in the CFA elite Project;

(2) The full-point rate of English in the college entrance examination that year is 70% or above; (if it is lower than 70%, please consult the admission teacher of the Project)

(3) Students have a strong willingness to learn, study hard, have perseverance, and have strong self-discipline;

(4) Willing to accept the fee standard of this project and be able to pay tuition fees on time.

Admission method:

The first stage: Early batch registration (voluntary registration form)

The top 10 students who apply to join the CFA Project can be exempted from interviews if their scores meet the selection standards and requirements of the Project, and will be admitted directly through selection;

The second stage: open selection (CFA Project will be open to the whole school, and the admission will be based on the best)

1. Ranking of grades: Only students with a full score of 70% or above in the college entrance examination in the current year can participate in the selection (for example: a full score of 150 requires 105 points to participate in the selection).

2. Interview session: Students who pass the first session will be contacted by the teacher of the CFA Project to enter the interview session. The interview session mainly examines logical thinking and comprehensive management. After the selection interview is passed, the admission notice will be issued, and the student will confirm the admission and enter the 2022 CFA Project. Registration will be closed when the Project is full.

Stage 3: Paying for admission

Students who receive the admission notice can go to the CFA Project Office to pay the fee (payment can be made online) and go through the admission procedures. Please bring a copy of your ID card and two one-inch photos with you when you check in.

Class time: During the school period, classes are held every other week on Saturdays and Sundays

Class location: Hongwen Building, Sichuan International Studies University (specific classrooms will be announced after admission)

4. Curriculum setting of CFA Project

l   CFA certificate study: CFA certificate ten subjects (ethical and professional standards, quantitative methods, economics, financial reporting and analysis, Corporate finance equity investments, fixed income, derivatives, alternative investments, portfolio management and wealth planning, and The 2019 CFA exam will include face-to-face course learning of the new financial technology section of each subject, as well as financial English pre-course, knowledge intensive lectures, review courses (online courses), and delimit limits of examines.


l   PBL project training: PBL (projected-based learning) project-based teaching has been widely used in foreign universities. Different from the traditional knowledge-based teaching method, the core of PBL is "Learning by doing". Actively explore problems in the real society, in the process of solving and exploring problems, deeply understand knowledge and master relevant skills, and continuously improve problem-solving ability in projects, complete projects in the real financial world, and collect a large number of Information, integration, analysis, and then get the project results.



l   Financial training project: The project helps students to improve their professional knowledge and skills, team communication and cooperation, financial practice perception, etc. Qualified teachers lead the teaching, rich financial industry experience to teach, and accumulate valuable project experience. At the same time, team up with students from other top universities, get to make friends with many outstanding students, and expand your financial network in the future.


l   Practical skills training:  The financial practical ability course is a training program oriented to the actual needs of the financial field, which truly restores the content and needs of financial job interviews and workplace work for students. Be able to stand out when applying for a job. Including core skills in the financial industry (Excel-data analysis, Python-financial data analysis, etc.), 4 major micro-majors (securities analyst, wealth manager, investment bank manager, risk management and control manager), seamless connection to workplace work, make up for university knowledge learning the gap with enterprise employment needs.


l   Internship service station: through pre-employment remote project special training, financial famous enterprise job-seeking skills training (including resume, online application, written test, interview), financial famous enterprise 1V1 tutor personalized resume creation guidance, industry famous enterprise internship direct promotion, help the future job search and study abroad.


l   Abundant trainee activities:  trainees can participate in financial labs (simulation training in the business world), visits to famous financial companies, sand table simulations, financial practice competitions, financial business forums, etc.


5.CFA Project registration consultation

support hotline:

023-65380219  Office

135 9460 9910 Teacher Dong

186 9677 7771 Teacher Xian

188 7527 1393 Teacher Liao (counselor)

153 2830 6331 Mr. Zhang (CFA program teacher)

153 1060 6143 Mr. Wang (CFA program teacher)

Consultation location: 4106, 4th Floor, Bowen Building, Sichuan International Studies University

Consulting QQ group: 746980536

Scan the code to join the CFA elite Project consultation group


Appointment consultation link:


6. Instructions for payment of CFA Project

l  Students who are successfully enrolled need to pay the tuition fee of CFA elite Project, excluding the school's undergraduate tuition fee which is paid in accordance with the school's regulations

l  The official CFA fee (CFA Level 1 registration fee and examination fee) shall be paid by the student to the CFA official. This fee is charged according to the CFA global unified standard.